Presentation of the solution

  • Netopia offers governments a fully secure, innovative and efficient system for managing the computerized process of requests and issuances to citizens of biometric passports.
  • International travel has increased sharply over the past 20 years. This has led to an increase in demand for modern travel documents.
  • Our solution meets international security requirements to allow, on the one hand, efficient and rapid identity checks, and on the other hand, the management of the fluidity of requests and the reduction of delays in issuing passports to citizens.
  • Biometric passports include a chip containing the biometric data of the passport holder. This data is constructed from our information system, which makes it unforgeable.

About the biometric passport

  • On-board microprocessor, digital photo, passport number, surname, first name, nationality and date of birth,
  • Dedicated Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for the unique signature, by country, of electronic passport data as part of Basic Access Control (BAC),
  • Highly secure production and customization.

Overall objective

  • As part of the development of the public sector and to ensure the continuity of the dynamic of the digital transformation of the administration, Netopia offers governments a passport incorporating biometric data in order to guarantee the security of citizens and facilitate their international travel.